6.1 Token Allocation


237,800,000.00 (23.78%)

The Treasury of AFKDAO will hold 23.78% of total allocation. No vesting schedule.


150,000,000.00 (15%)

The Team of AFKDAO will hold 15% of total allocation. 2-year cliff, monthly release for 2 years.


20,000,000.00 (2%)

The Advisor of AFKDAO will hold 2% of total allocation. 1-year cliff, monthly release for 1 year.


112,200,000.00 (11.22%)

Seed: 3.86% of total allocation. 6 months cliff, monthly release for 2 years.

Private A: 6.55% of total allocation 4 months cliff, monthly reslease for 2 years.

Public: 0.81% of total allocation, 25% released at TGE, monthly release for 6 months.


470,000,000.00 (47%)

The Ecosystem reserve of AFKDAO will hold 48% of total allocation. 2% at TGE, the rest unlock based on DAO decisions.


10,000,000.00 (1%)

Airdrop campaign will hold 1% of total allocation. 0.1% released upon TGE, and the rest will be released over 4 quarters.

Last updated